The Liberal Senate Forum

Issues and Ideas

Veterans Affairs

Their sacrifices are appreciated by those they so willingly fought for and we try to show that appreciation in many ways; whether it be our participation in ceremonies, or other important events, we give honour where honour is due. After all, it is our obligation to support these veterans and their families in every way possible.

Senator Percy Downe

Canada's last remaining First World War veteran passed away in 2010; as time continues to pass, current generation's links to these conflicts become increasingly distant. Yet although the word 'veteran' often evokes images of long-ago wars, Canada's continued participation in conflicts worldwide means that we must continue to be cognizant of and advocate for veteran rights.

From the First World War, to peacekeeping missions worldwide, to those serving currently in Afghanistan, Canada's veterans have nobly served their country, and we cannot overlook this service.

Liberal senators believe very strongly in supporting those who have served in Canada's Armed Forces. From ensuring ongoing benefits, healthcare, educational training and employment opportunities, we believe that it is Canada’s responsibility to ensure that veterans receive adequate support and compensation for having dedicated their lives to securing peace overseas.

Through the links below, you will see countless examples of Liberal senators advocating for veterans’ rights, and learn why they believe this issue should remain of the utmost importance to Canadians.

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