The Liberal Senate Forum


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Meet Senator

Charlie Watt

The Hon. Charlie  Watt, O.Q. Appointed to the Senate by the late former Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau, Senator Charlie Watt represents the province of Quebec and the Senatorial Division of Inkerman.

Liberal Team

AlbertaSenators from Alberta

The Hon. Joyce  Fairbairn, P.C., B.A., B.J.

The Hon. Joyce Fairbairn, P.C., B.A., B.J.

Beginning her career as a journalist, Senator Joyce Fairbairn was appointed to the Senate June 29, 1984, by the late former Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau. She represents the province of Alberta and the Senatorial Division of Lethbridge.

The Hon. Grant  Mitchell, B.A., M.A., C.F.A.

The Hon. Grant Mitchell, B.A., M.A., C.F.A.

Senator Grant Mitchell has had careers in the public service, business and politics in Alberta. He was appointed by former Prime Minister Paul Martin in March, 2005.

The Hon. Claudette  Tardif, B.Ed., M.Ed., Ph.D.

The Hon. Claudette Tardif, B.Ed., M.Ed., Ph.D.

Senator Tardif has been a member of the Senate of Canada since March 24, 2005. She was appointed Deputy Leader of the Official Opposition in the Senate in January 2007.


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